Trip Slideshow

CRC Background

The Child Rescue Centre (CRC), established in July 2000, provides safety and hope to nearly 300 children who have been rescued from desperate situations. Initially opened as a feeding program for children living on the streets during Sierra Leone’s brutal civil war, the Centre has become a nationally-recognized model for bringing up at-risk children in Sierra Leone to become leaders. The CRC takes a holistic approach to raising children, addressing their intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. Through in-country partnerships with church organizations and local community groups, the CRC seeks to ensure that children in Sierra Leone are allowed to enjoy their childhood – attend school, receive basic healthcare, actively participate in sports and other games, attend worship, and develop leadership skills. Our team Consisted of 3 adults and 13 college students. We provided vacation bible school, completed projects around the compound, tutored the students, and attended real and meaningful young adult relationship with the kids living inside the CRC. To find out more information please visit

The Beginning of VBS

     After two days of traveling and one night at the CRC, today we began with vacation bible school (VBS). Deb, one of our team leaders set it up, and when I say she set it up, she really set it up. It was a caterpillar/butterfly themed VBS based after the movie "Hermie." We must of had every craft available for this theme. We watched the first 15 minutes of the movie and then spilt into four different stations: crafts, games, drama, and snacks. I was at crafts with Kathryn and Emily. We made caterpillar cocoons and butterfly fans that they could use at church. I forgot how into crafts little kids get, it was really fun. All the little ones screaming "Jeremy Jeremy help me!" "No help me, How I do this?" When the older reunified kids got to our station, we decided to make visor hats with them. I created a Chelsea (english soccer team) visor which fired them all up to make Manchester United hats.  They are all huge Manchester United fans, they all love "futbol" so much. After VBS, we played a soccer match, the teams were pretty even.  One team had Me, Les, and a CRC kid Mustapha who did most of the work.  The other team had Kelvin who is 16 and is all they needed. He is straight nasty, barefoot too. I don't think the ball has ever been stolen from this kids feet. I had to say first one to 10 wins cause they wouldn't stop and I was about to collapse. We lost 10-9. 
       After, Moinina, Lansana and Faidu wanted to show us their "stretching." They were walking with their knees while their legs were indian style, walking on their hands, doing backflips, it was ridiculous. I was letting Saffie take the pictures and videos, who is the cutest 8 year old in the entire world and quietly one of my favorite kids at the CRC. She doesn't talk much but she does nothing but giggle and enjoy your company. She was having a great time but we had to say bye for dinner.  We came back after for vespers, which is a nightly routine of praying, singing hymns, and dancing. They do it every night which makes me wonder how I only praise God like that once a week at most in church. How can I get tired sitting through a sermon or singing hymns while these kids are legitimately having a blast worshiping God every single night. I'm telling you, you learn alot from these kids.

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